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Brussels Kangaroos welcomes guys and gals, from beginners to advanced players, from the age of 4.

Teams and Schedules

Trial Period

You are entitled to come to three free practice sessions before committing, during which you will still be covered by our insurance policy. 

Interested ? Let us know !

All equipment will be provided by the club to begin with (except a protective cup for boys/men). After these three trial sessions, you have to register with the club to be insured and to continue attending practices and games.

Membership Fees 2025

We start delivering the new licenses in November in order to allow you to get your license and be insured as of January 1st and through the December 31st . To achieve this, we ask you to pay your membership in one block. This one amount will cover both outdoor AND indoor practices. As a welcome gift, a 15 € reduction is offered to all new members.

Jan 1 - Dec 31
Beeball 155 €
Minimes – Cadets - Softball < 16 years 235 €
Cadets - Juniors - Seniors - Softball ≥ 16 years 265 €
Recreational (no competition) < 16 years 180 €
Recreational (no competition) ≥ 16 years 200 €
Coach 1 free player licence

  • Family discount : 10% discount for the 2nd member, 20% from the 3rd member (in descending order of age category)
  • No extra fee for a double license (baseball and softball)

Documents for Mutual reimbursements for sports club memberships may be given to your coach.

How to Register

1. Download and fill in the official registration form from the Belgian French-speaking Baseball and Softball League. This form contains a section with a medical certificate to confirm that you are fit to play, which must be completed by a doctor. 

Download Registration Form 2025

2. Send us your completed* Registration document via the online form, below.

3. Transfer the membership fee (see amounts above) to Brussels Kangaroos: BE28 7440 6373 1720 (BIC: KREDBEBB) mentioning the name and the year of birth of the player in the subject line.

*including medical authorisation

Send us your Registration Form


"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

-Babe Ruth